Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Fear Didn't Make America Great
Nine differenet versions, in nine different styles, of the same song

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Bobby Gosh: Anything Goes
A song criticizing the politics of the Bush Administration and the War in Iraq

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Greg Gower: Moore Franken
You've probably heard our music on Air America. Tongue in cheek anti-rightwing musical philosophy. If you liked the parts of JibJab about George Bush you'll love "More Michael Moore" and "Frankly Mr. Franken." Check it out NOW. It'll be obsolete tomorrow

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Mark Scott LaMountain: Greatest Hits (So Far)
Contains the Anti-Bush, Pro-Kerry song Vote 4 Ya Johnny

Saturday, September 11, 2004

John McGrail: Songs for Troubled Times
Politically motivated Rock with a folk music touch

Friday, September 10, 2004

Roy Zimmerman: Security
Hilarious satirical songs on post-9/11 politics, globalization, weapons systems, Swedes, Norwegians, etc.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Jay Mankita: They Lied
A humorous, but hard-hitting indictment of the Bush administration's lies and the complicity of the media, as well as a short history lesson, an introduction to Mankita's mom, and a thoughtful analysis of the similarities between President George W. Bush, and Captain James T. Kirk. The song, which Mankita always sings smiling, has a fun, upbeat, vaudeville feel to it. The 43 year old songwriter is hoping to see 'They Lied' become an internet sensation during the remainder of this election season - Available for FREE download

Jamaica Plain: Blue in the Face
Complex and textured, Blue in the Face offers a fresh approach to politically inspired, intelligent-minded music. Ashcroft gives it two cut-off thumbs!

Zoomer: Votin' For Kerry
Rock and Roll Protest Song. A huge production that calls Bush on his bullshit

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

David HB Drake and Friends: No Child Left Behind?
An anthology of songs by various artists to "Bring back the Joy" of teaching in the face of "No Child Left Behind"

Mal DuRoque: What's Left in Orange County
Wry progressive social commentary, pointed jabs at the current US (mis)administration served up in a rock, funk, folk and jazzy stew

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Tex! George Bush and the Fine Art of Character Assassination
The newest release from Atomic Basement. Written by Joshua (Swamp Thing, Violent Messiahs) Dysart with art by Brad (Catwoman, True Adult Fantasy) Rader, Tex! tears apart the last four years of the Bush Administration with a smile. The perfect gift for your Bush supporter friends! Tex! contains a five page appendix of irrefutable information. A free, full CD soundtrack by Jacaranda is included with the purchase of the comic book

John Raymond Pollard: Body Politic
What do Fidel Castro, and Saddam Hussein, and George W. Bush have in common? The answer can be found in the lyrics of songs that comprise "Body Politic."

Thursday, September 02, 2004

RPM: A Young Person's Guide To Being An American
Politically charged melodic indie guitar rock

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

The Slackers - International War Criminal EP
This is an enjoyable EP and one who's message that 'the weapons of destruction are gasoline and petroleum' is admirable and true